Archived Events
Sl.No | Event | Start Date | End Date | Flyer |
1 | IIT Bombay is organizing a 5 day Online Power Semiconductor Devices TCAD Course [March 17 - 21, 2025] | 17-03-2025 | 21-03-2025 | Link |
2 | Professional Course in Power Semiconductor Devices (IIT Bombay) | 19-08-2024 | 23-08-2024 | Link |
3 | INUP Users' Meet - Please do join us to celebrate INUP’s success during the first INUP Users’ Meet being organized by IITB, IISc, IITG, IITD, IITM and IITKgp in association with MeitY (GoI) at IIT Bombay on August 10, 2024 [Kindly register by Aug 2, 2024- Deadline Extended]. | 10-08-2024 | 10-08-2024 | Link |
4 | Online Course by IIT Bombay titled “28nm CMOS Device & Process Tech Introductory course" in association with Synopsys from June 17th - 21st, 2024 (INUP-i2i) LAST DAY FOR REGISTRATION- 15.MAY.2024 | 17-06-2024 | 21-06-2024 | Link |
5 | Short Course on SemiX IIT Bombay Semiconductor Manufacturing and Technology with Hands-on Training from 18th - 22nd March 2024 (Registration ends on 10th Mar 2024) | 18-03-2024 | 22-03-2024 | Link |
6 | INUP- i2i Hands-on Training Workshop on Fabrication and Characterization of Spintronic Devices (February 20-29, 2024) IIT Bombay (SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED UPTO 15th January 2024) | 20-02-2024 | 29-02-2024 | Link |
7 | INUP- i2i Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies, 22nd-24th January 2024, IIT Bombay (Online Event) (SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED UPTO 17th January 2024) | 22-01-2024 | 24-01-2024 | Link |
8 | IIT Bombay INUP-i2i announces Nanotech Hackathon Contest 2024 (SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED UPTO 25th January 2024) to provide a nanotechnology-based platform to develop market ready solutions for the grand challenges facing our nation. Online applications are invited from interested researchers from academia in the prescribed registration form. Kindly visit INUP-i2i website ( for details regarding research areas and submission of proposals. Link to register is mentioned as follows: | 12-12-2023 | 10-01-2024 | Link |
9 | Short Course on SemiX IIT Bombay on Semiconductor Packaging with Hands-on Training from 16th-20th November 2023 | 16-11-2023 | 20-11-2023 | Link |
10 | INUP- i2i IIT Bombay Hands-on Training Workshop on Fabrication and Characterization of 2D MoS2 Transistor | 09-10-2023 | 18-10-2023 | Link |
11 | IIT Bombay INUP-i2i announces Nanotech Hackathon Contest 2023 to provide a nanotechnology-based platform to develop market ready solutions for the grand challenges facing our nation. Online applications are invited from interested researchers from academia in the prescribed registration form. For details regarding research areas and submission of proposals. You can also visit INUP-i2i website ( for the same. Link to register: | 31-05-2023 | 15-07-2023 | Link |
12 | Short-term Course by SemiX IIT Bombay on Semiconductor Manufacturing with Hands-on Training from 3rd-7th July 2023 | 03-07-2023 | 07-07-2023 | Link |
13 | INUP-i2i announces Nanotech Hackathon Contest 2023 to provide a nanotechnology-based platform to develop market ready solutions for the grand challenges facing our nation. Online applications are invited from interested researchers from academia in the prescribed registration form. | 01-05-2023 | 30-06-2023 | Link |
14 | INUP- i2i Hands-on Training Workshop on Fabrication and Characterization of MEMS Devices | 13-02-2023 | 22-02-2023 | Link |
15 | INUP- i2i Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies at IIT Bombay | 23-01-2023 | 25-01-2023 | Link |
16 | INUP has started its 3rd phase, INUP-i2i (INUP - Idea to innovation) Interested researchers in the field of Nanoelectronics are welcome to submit the project proposals online. Please contact us for any queries ( | 18-05-2022 | 31-12-2022 | --N.A.-- |
17 | INUP- i2i Hands-on Training Workshop on Fabrication and Characterization of GaN LED, Nov 14-23, 2022 IIT Bombay. Click to register. | 14-11-2022 | 23-11-2022 | Link |
18 | INUP-i2i announces Nanotech Hackathon Contest 2022 to provide a nanotechnology-based platform to develop market ready solutions for the grand challenges facing our nation. Online applications are invited from interested researchers from academia in the prescribed registration form | 25-09-2022 | 25-10-2022 | Link |
19 | TCAD Circuit Simulation Workshop under INUP-i2i at IIT Bombay | 01-08-2022 | 05-08-2022 | Link |
20 | INUP- i2i Hands-on Training Workshop on Fabrication and Characterization of Inter Digitated Electrodes and Microfluidics channel to be held at IIT Bombay | 17-05-2022 | 26-05-2022 | Link |
21 | IIT Bombay successfully completes the Hands-on Training workshop on Fabrication & Characterization of MOS Capacitors (offline mode). It was attended by 33 participants from 19 different institutes. | 04-04-2022 | 13-04-2022 | --N.A.-- |
22 | Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies, held at IIT Bombay | 19-01-2022 | 21-01-2022 | Link |
Sl.No | Event | Start Date | End Date | Flyer |
1 | CeNSE-IISc, Bengaluru is inviting applications for INUP-i2i Hands-on Training on Nanofabrication and Characterization Techniques (Level 2). The training will be conducted at CeNSE from 20-29 January 2025 (10 days) for the Universities of North-East region and INUP-i2i (IISc) Collaborating Institutes only. Please register and apply for INUP-i2i Hands-on Training on INUP-i2i Portal ( ), along with the brief research proposal. Last Date to apply for the workshop is 16 December 2024. | 20-01-2025 | 29-01-2025 | --N.A.-- |
2 | Training on Semiconductor Process Technology for Global Foundries | 26-03-2024 | 28-03-2024 | --N.A.-- |
3 | INUP-i2i supported startup 'SuperQ Technologies' has been awarded the Digital Communication Innovation Scheme 2023 | 24-01-2024 | 29-02-2024 | Link |
4 | INUP-i2i supported startup 'Cablesmith' named winner in Elevate 2023 | 24-01-2024 | 29-02-2024 | Link |
5 | INUP-i2i supported startup, SuperQ Technologies team has completed a milestone in the Project Grant - Digital Communication Innovation Scheme 2023 (DCIS) from the Department of Telecommunication (DoT) for the development of the Superconducting Single Photon Detector: | 21-02-2024 | 29-02-2024 | Link |
6 | Training on Semiconductor Process Technology for Global Foundries | 21-02-2024 | 23-02-2024 | --N.A.-- |
7 | Training on Semiconductor Process Technology for Global Foundries | 14-02-2024 | 16-02-2024 | --N.A.-- |
8 | IISc Bengaluru is inviting applications for INUP-i2i Hands-on Training on Nanofabrication and Characterization Techniques (Offline), supported by MeitY, GoI for the Universities of North-East region to be held from 16th to 25th January 2024.Last Date to apply for the workshop is 30th November 2023. For registration, click here: and for more information about the workshop, please visit: | 16-01-2024 | 25-01-2024 | Link |
9 | INUP-i2i supported startup 'SuperQ Technologies' has been awarded the Digital Communication Innovation Scheme 2023 | 20-09-2023 | 20-09-2023 | Link |
10 | Applications are invited for an Online workshop, INUP-i2i Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies to be held at IISc Bangalore . Click to register : | 17-07-2023 | 19-07-2023 | Link |
11 | Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is hosting a Conference on Semiconductor Ecosystem in India (COSEIn) - 2023 on 16th March, 2023. COSEIn is a single platform for various agencies involved in Semiconductor ecosystem like Semiconductor Fab builders, IC chip industry, OEMs, various consumable suppliers, and representatives from existing fabrication facilities from strategic sector & academic institutions in India. Visit us at: Register at: | 16-03-2023 | 16-03-2023 | Link |
12 | Applications are invited for INUP i2i Hands-on Training on Nanofabrication and Characterization Techniques to be held from 14th to 24th February 2023 at IISc Bangalore.Click to register( is mandatory to register on both INUP-i2i portal( and INUP IISc portal( . After registration, please login and apply for the INUP i2i Hands-on Training. | 14-02-2023 | 24-02-2023 | Link |
13 | INUP i2i Hands-on Training at IISc Bangalore | 14-02-2023 | 24-02-2023 | Link |
14 | IISc Bangalore is inviting applications from Start-ups/ MSMEs to be supported under the INUP-i2i programme. For more details, please visit: Application form: | 30-08-2022 | 31-12-2022 | Link |
15 | IISc Bangalore invites research proposals from the academic researchers for the short-term micro/ nano characterization projects, to be supported under INUP-i2i programme initiated by MeitY, GoI. | 04-11-2022 | 31-12-2022 | Link |
16 | Applications are invited for INUP- i2i Hands-on Training on Nanofabrication and Characterization Techniques to be held from 10-20 October 2022 at IISc Bangalore.Registration Link: | 10-10-2022 | 20-10-2022 | Link |
17 | IISc Bangalore is conducting "COMSOL Multiphysics Simulation Workshop" on 3rd & 4th Oct 2022. Applications are invited from interested researchers in academia and industry. | 03-10-2022 | 04-10-2022 | Link |
18 | IISc Bangalore is inviting the applications for Hackathon 2022. For more details, please visit: | 24-08-2022 | 30-09-2022 | Link |
19 | IISc Bangalore is organizing an online Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies | 12-09-2022 | 14-09-2022 | Link |
20 | CeNSE, IISc, Bangalore hosted the supply chain team of Intel India for a Nano-fabrication training. The program included an overview of semiconductor fabrication and two deep-dive demonstrations on sputtering & reactive ion etching. Kudos to the CeNSE staff for delivering the training and thanks to Intel team for their enthusiastic participation. Thanks to INUP-i2i and MeitY for their continued support of the national nanofabrication facility. | 14-07-2022 | 15-07-2022 | --N.A.-- |
21 | 2nd Hands-on Training on Nanofabrication and Characterization Techniques, held at IISc Bangalore | 18-04-2022 | 28-04-2022 | Link |
22 | Hands-on Training on Nanofabrication and Characterization Techniques, held at IISc Bangalore | 21-03-2022 | 31-03-2022 | Link |
23 | Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies organized by IISc Bangalore | 20-12-2021 | 22-12-2021 | Link |
Sl.No | Event | Start Date | End Date | Flyer |
1 | IIT Delhi is organising 19th User Awareness workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication and Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 23-01-2025 | 24-01-2025 | Link |
2 | IIT Delhi is organising 18th User Awareness workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication and Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 12-12-2024 | 13-12-2024 | Link |
3 | IIT Delhi is organising 17th User Awareness workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication and Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 13-11-2024 | 14-11-2024 | Link |
4 | IIT Delhi is organizing its 16th User Awareness Workshop (Virtual) on Device Fabrication and Characterization | 22-08-2024 | 23-08-2024 | Link |
5 | 8th Hands-on Training on Thin Film based Field-Effect Transistor (FET) | 09-07-2024 | 13-07-2024 | Link |
6 | 15th User Awareness workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication and Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology. | 28-06-2024 | 29-06-2024 | Link |
7 | 7th Hands-on Training on Fabrication of Microfluidic Channel | 09-05-2024 | 12-05-2024 | Link |
8 | 14th User Awareness workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication and Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 29-04-2024 | 30-04-2024 | Link |
9 | 13th User Awareness workshop (Offline) on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 13-04-2024 | 14-04-2024 | Link |
10 | 6th User Awareness Workshop (offline) on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 04-03-2024 | 06-03-2024 | Link |
11 | IIT Delhi is organising 12th User Awareness workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 22-02-2024 | 23-02-2024 | Link |
12 | INUP- i2i IIT Delhi Hands-on Training Workshop on fabrication of semiconductor devices. | 04-01-2024 | 06-01-2024 | Link |
13 | 11th User Awareness Workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 07-12-2023 | 08-12-2023 | Link |
14 | 10th User Awareness Workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 13-10-2023 | 14-10-2023 | Link |
15 | 9th User Awareness workshop (Offline) on Fabrication and Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 23-09-2023 | 24-09-2023 | Link |
16 | 2nd Industry Hands-on Training on "Vacuum Technology and Thin Film Deposition" for Industrial Person | 09-08-2023 | 11-08-2023 | Link |
17 | IIT Delhi is organizing a Nanotech Hackathon, which is a nationwide contest for students & academic researchers who want to come up with a nanotechnology-based solution of the grand challenges in the area of Healthcare,Safety,Agriculture and Energy & Environment.Submission deadline-10/07/2023,Declaration of results-10/08/2023.You can also visit INUP-i2i website ( for the same. | 10-07-2023 | 10-08-2023 | Link |
18 | 8th User Awareness Workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology. | 22-06-2023 | 23-06-2023 | Link |
19 | 1st Industry Hands-on Training Workshop on "Passivating contacts-based Silicon Solar Cells fabrications and characterization for Solar Cell for Industrial Person" | 25-05-2023 | 27-05-2023 | Link |
20 | 5th Hands-on Training on MEMS Devices | 17-03-2023 | 23-03-2023 | Link |
21 | 7th User Awareness Workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 11-03-2023 | 12-03-2023 | Link |
22 | 4th Hands-on Training on Fabrication of Microfluidic Channel | 03-02-2023 | 09-02-2023 | Link |
23 | 5th User Awareness Workshop (Virtual) on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 06-01-2023 | 06-01-2023 | Link |
24 | 3rd Hands-on Training on Characterization of Solar Cell | 05-12-2022 | 10-12-2022 | Link |
25 | 2nd Hands-on Training Program on Fabrication & Characterization Facility of Field-Effect Transistor (FET) | 10-10-2022 | 19-10-2022 | Link |
26 | 4th User Awareness Workshop (offline) on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 24-09-2022 | 25-09-2022 | Link |
27 | 3rd User Awareness Workshop (virtual) on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 02-09-2022 | 03-09-2022 | Link |
28 | 1st Hands-on Training Program on Fabrication & Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology | 22-07-2022 | 31-07-2022 | Link |
29 | 2nd User Awareness workshop on Fabrication and Characterization Facility for Nano Technology to be held at IIT Delhi in Online Mode | 25-04-2022 | 26-04-2022 | --N.A.-- |
30 | User Awareness workshop on Fabrication and Characterization Facility for Nano Technology held at IIT Delhi | 08-02-2022 | 09-02-2022 | Link |
Sl.No | Event | Start Date | End Date | Flyer |
1 | Upcoming short-term projects IIT Guwahati | 15-08-2024 | 15-11-2024 | Link |
2 | IIT Guwahati will be conducting an INUP-i2i Industrial Training Workshop in Bengaluru at STARC, DRDO. The workshop will be on 'Wafer-level Semiconductor Packaging for Nanodevices and Circuits'. | 18-10-2024 | 19-10-2024 | --N.A.-- |
3 | Hands-on Training Workshops on Fabrication and Characterization of Nano and Memory Devices(Part I & II) | 11-06-2024 | 20-06-2024 | Link |
4 | IIT Guwahati, INUP-i2i Team is organizing Offline Familiarization Workshop on Nano- and Bio-electronics: Fabrication and Characterization | 08-04-2024 | 10-04-2024 | Link |
5 | IIT Guwahati, INUP-i2i Team is organizing online familiarization workshop on Nano Sensors and Optoelectronic Devices | 14-02-2024 | 16-02-2024 | Link |
6 | IIT Guwahati is organising an Online Familiarization Workshop on Quantum Materials and Nano Devices.Last Date to Register: 15-11-2023.Registration Link: | 06-12-2023 | 08-12-2023 | Link |
7 | IIT Guwahati is organizing a Hackathon on 5G & 6G Technologies and Designing & Packaging, supported by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India.The grand challenge Hackathon is in collaboration with BioNEST, IIT Guwahati and ICANN(IIT Guwahati). It is open nationwide to all (individual or team) above 18 years who want to come up with an innovative solution in the domains of Agri-tech, IoT, Healthcare,Transportation, Climate Change and Food tech. Submission deadline-25/09/2023.Declaration of results-01/11/2023.For further details, visit ( Link: | 31-08-2023 | 25-09-2023 | Link |
8 | INUP-i2i, IIT Guwahati is Organizing INUP-i2i Hands-On Training Workshop on Fabrication and Characterization of Nanoelectronic Devices | 02-06-2023 | 11-06-2023 | Link |
9 | INUP-i2i, IIT Guwahati is Organising Offline Familiarization Workshop on Fabrication & Characterization of Nanoelectronic Devices. Link to Register: | 25-04-2023 | 27-04-2023 | Link |
10 | Online familiarization workshop on Nanotransistors and Energy Device Technology at IIT Gwuahati | 21-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | Link |
11 | Applications are invited for the collaboration with the institutes for IIT Guwahati | 03-10-2022 | 31-12-2022 | Link |
12 | Online familiarization workshop on 2D Semiconductor Nano devices & Simulations at IIT Guwahati | 08-12-2022 | 10-12-2022 | Link |
13 | 1st Hands-on Training on Fabrication & Characterization of Nanoelectronic Devices to be held at IIT Guwahati | 06-05-2022 | 16-05-2022 | Link |
14 | 1st Offline INUP-i2i Familiarization Workshop at IIT Guwahati | 04-04-2022 | 06-04-2022 | Link |
15 | 2nd Familiarization Workshop on Nano & Bio Materials and Devices held at IIT Guwahati | 01-03-2022 | 03-03-2022 | Link |
16 | Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies organized by IIT Guwahati | 12-12-2021 | 14-12-2021 | Link |
Sl.No | Event | Start Date | End Date | Flyer |
1 | IIT Kharagpur is organizing a Level-2 INUP-i2i Hands-on Training Workshop on Nanofabrication and Characterization | 12-02-2025 | 21-02-2025 | --N.A.-- |
2 | IIT Kharagpur is organizing a Level-1 INUP-i2i Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication and Characterization | 08-01-2025 | 10-01-2025 | --N.A.-- |
3 | IIT Kharagpur is organizing Level-1 INUP-i2i Offline Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication and Characterization | 20-11-2024 | 22-11-2024 | --N.A.-- |
4 | IIT Kharagpur is organizing a Level-2 INUP-i2i Hands-on Training Workshop on Nanofabrication and Characterization | 19-08-2024 | 28-08-2024 | --N.A.-- |
5 | IIT Kharagpur is organizing a Familiarization Wokshop | 24-06-2024 | 26-06-2024 | Link |
7 | IIT Kharagpur is organizing a hands-on-training | 01-04-2024 | 10-04-2024 | Link |
8 | INUP-i2i, IIT Kharagpur team is organising Industrial training from 22nd Feb to 23rd Feb, 2024 | 22-02-2024 | 23-02-2024 | Link |
9 | Industry Academia Consortium at ICFM-2024 in Collaboration with INUP-i2i, IIT Kharagpur, MeitY, GOI | 09-01-2024 | 11-01-2024 | Link |
10 | IIT Kharagpur is organising an INUP-i2i Offline Workshop on X-ray Scattering techniques for Material Characterization | 16-11-2023 | 18-11-2023 | Link |
11 | INUP-i2i Nano Hackathon at IIT Kharagpur invites applications for participating in a contest on innovative nanoelectronics-based sensors, devices and systems for Healthcare,targeting technologies at affordable costs addressing societal needs. Important Dates: Submission deadline-15/08/2023.Demonstration/Presentation & declaration of results-25/09/2023.Link to Register: | 15-08-2023 | 25-09-2023 | Link |
12 | IIT Kharagpur is organising an INUP-i2i Hands-on Training on Nanofabrication and Characterization | 13-03-2023 | 22-03-2023 | Link |
13 | IIT Kharagpur is organising an INUP-i2i Online Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication and Characterization | 08-02-2023 | 10-02-2023 | Link |
14 | INUP- i2i Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication and Characterizations to be held at IIT Kharagpur | 10-08-2022 | 12-08-2022 | Link |
15 | INUP-i2i Industrial Training Workshop at School of Nano Science and Technology, IIT Kharagpur | 11-07-2022 | 12-07-2022 | Link |
16 | Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication and Characterization techniques, held at IIT Kharagpur | 10-02-2022 | 12-02-2022 | Link |
Sl.No | Event | Start Date | End Date | Flyer |
1 | Hands-on Training Program on "Electronics and Measurement Techniques" for Diploma Students | 09-12-2024 | 13-12-2024 | --N.A.-- |
2 | We are pleased to announce that CNNP, IIT Madras is organizing the Hands-On Training program from Sept 2 -11, 2024, as a part of the Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program - Idea to Innovation (INUP-i2i) sponsored by MeitY, GOI | 02-09-2024 | 11-09-2024 | Link |
3 | IIT Madras is organizing a Level - 1 Offline Familiarization Workshop on Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics | 08-07-2024 | 10-07-2024 | Link |
4 | We are pleased to announce that CNNP, IIT Madras is organizing the Hands-On Training program from March 18th to 27th, 2024, as a part of the Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program - Idea to Innovation (INUP-i2i) sponsored by MeitY, GOI. | 18-03-2024 | 27-03-2024 | Link |
5 | Dear All,CNNP at IIT Madras is pleased to announce The Indian Nanoelectronics Users Programme- Idea to Innovation (INUP-i2i) Level-1 Familiarization Workshop to be held from January 18th – 20th, 2024. The main objective of INUP-i2i is to open national nanofabrication and characterization facilities to Indian researchers and facilitate testing and translation of their research ideas. This familiarization workshop will enable researchers and students to understand which facilities are available at IIT Madras in the domain of NEMS and Nanophotonics fabrication and characterisation. Selected attendees of this workshop will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on training at a later date. The 3-day event will include lectures by IIT Madras faculty from the Centre for NEMS and Nanophotonics (CNNP). Since the number of seats is limited, we would appreciate it if you could forward this invitation to the interested community in your known circle.( see the attached brochure for more details.In case of any queries, please write to the | 18-01-2024 | 20-01-2024 | Link |
6 | INUP-i2i IIT Madras announces "Nanotech Hackathon Contest 2023" to provide a nanotechnology-based platform to develop market ready solutions for the grand challenges facing our nation.Online applications are invited from interested researchers from academia in the prescribed registration form.For details regarding research areas and submission of proposals, kindly go through the attached flyer. You can also visit INUP-i2i website ( for the same. | 20-09-2023 | 25-09-2023 | Link |
7 | IIT Madras is organizing a Level-1 Online Familiarization Workshop | 21-08-2023 | 22-08-2023 | Link |
8 | INUP-i2i, IIT Madras is Organizing Hands-On Training on NanoFabrication and Characterization of Solar Cell Devices. | 10-07-2023 | 19-07-2023 | Link |
9 | IIT Madras is organizing the offline Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication and Characterization.Link to Register: | 12-06-2023 | 14-06-2023 | Link |
10 | INUP-i2i, IIT Madras is Organizing INUP-i2i Hands-On Training Workshop on Fabrication and Characterization of Solar Cell Devices | 10-04-2023 | 19-04-2023 | Link |
11 | Dear All,CNNP at IIT Madras is pleased to announce The Indian Nanoelectronics Users Programme- Idea to Innovation (INUP-i2i) Level-1 Familiarization Workshop to be held from February 8th – 10th, 2023. The main objective INUP-i2i is to open national nanofabrication and characterization facilities to Indian researchers and facilitate testing and translation of their research ideas.This familiarization workshop will enable researchers and students to understand which facilities are availabl | 08-02-2023 | 10-02-2023 | Link |
12 | NUP-i2i IIT Madras announces "Nanotech Hackathon Contest 2022" to provide a nanotechnology-based platform to develop market ready solutions for the grand challenges facing our nation. Online applications are invited from interested researchers from academia in the prescribed registration form. For details regarding research areas and submission of proposals, kindly go through the attached flyer. You can also visit INUP-i2i website ( for the same. | 30-09-2022 | 31-12-2022 | Link |
13 | IIT Madras is organizing the Hands-On Training program | 22-08-2022 | 30-08-2022 | Link |
14 | 1st Hands-On Training program on Fabrication and Characterization of Nano Electronic Devices to be held at CNNP, IIT Madras | 20-06-2022 | 24-06-2022 | Link |
15 | Familiarization Workshop to be held at CNNP, IIT Madras | 20-06-2022 | 21-06-2022 | Link |
16 | Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies held at IIT Madras | 11-01-2022 | 13-01-2022 | Link |