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IIT Delhi

Hands on Training on "Vacuum Technology and Thin Film Deposition" for technical person from Industries.   09-08-2023

Participant's List

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Sl.No Title Name Gender Designation Qualification Institute/Organization
1 Mr. Girish sahu Male Private Industry Staff M.Tech/M.E. Anarghya Innovations & Technology Pvt. Ltd
2 Mr. Mohit Kumar Male Private Industry Staff B.Tech/B.E. Sharda university, Greater Noida
3 Mr. Dharmendra kumar singh Male Private Industry Staff M.Tech/M.E. Excel Instruments
4 Mr. Neeraj Vishwakarma Male Private Industry Staff B.Sc Higgs Boson Systems
5 Mr. Gaurav Malhotra Male Private Industry Staff B.Tech/B.E. Mascotek Engineers
6 Mr. Ajay Shukla Male Private Industry Staff B.Tech/B.E. Zepto Microwave
7 Mr. Darshan Bhansali Male Private Industry Staff M.Sc Excel Instruments