Getting Started

- The activities to be initiated at Level-1 by virtual familiarization workshops that will be held online. These workshops aim to enhance the basic concepts of the participants, which are very important to work with micro/nanoscale technology.
- The users/participants need to create a user-login in the main portal, which will guide them to the IISc/IIT portal where they wish to attend the workshop/training.
- The offline familiarization workshops at the Level-1 to enable the participants to showcase their ideas, get peer support and exchange ideas with the panel of experts. At this stage, apart from providing the basic training/demo at the facilities, top-quality translational hands-on training are to be targeted spanning from device design, fabrication, materials synthesis & characterization, and product development to project proposal drafting, exploring computational tools, and patent writing.
- In the Level-3, the candidates will then be encouraged to submit high-impact research proposals and a few of them will be shortlisted in the final level for execution to develop the prototypes at the level of TRL 2 or 3.
- Subsequently, a few Start-ups/SMEs/MSMEs will be supported at the next level.
- Separate training programs are to be designed for the Industry and Strategic sectors as per their need and requirements.