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IIT Guwahati

Hands-on Training Workshops on Fabrication and Characterization of Nano and Memory Devices-I   11-06-2024

Participant's List

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Sl.No Title Name Gender Designation Qualification Institute/Organization
1 Mr. Dhruv Gohil Male Undergraduate Student B.Tech/B.E. Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar
2 Dr. Soibam Jogita Devi Female Faculty Ph.D Biramangol College, Imphal
3 Mr. PRANJAL SHARMA Male Postgraduate Student B.Sc North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong
4 Mr. DEVRAJ KASHYAP Male Undergraduate Student B.Tech/B.E. Assam Engineering College, Guwahati
5 Mr. Nihar Ranjan Boruah Male Undergraduate Student B.Tech/B.E. Tezpur University ,Tezpur
6 Ms. FARHINA ABID Female Ph.D Student Ph.D Cotton College State University, Guwahati
7 Ms. RIMLEE SAIKIA Female Ph.D Student Ph.D Gauhati University, Guwahati
8 Ms. KARABI BARMAN Female Ph.D Student Ph.D Cotton College State University, Guwahati
9 Mr. JAMES OINAM Male M.Tech Student M.Tech/M.E. University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
10 Mr. DHANANJOY RAJBANSHI Male Ph.D Student M.Sc Central Institute of Technology (CIT Kokrajhar) Kokrajhar
11 Prof. Chandrodoy Bora Male Ph.D Student Ph.D Tezpur University ,Tezpur
12 Dr. Madduri Suresh Male Research Scientist Postdoctoral Fellow Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
13 Mr. Kevin Kantilal Bhanderi Male Ph.D Student Ph.D Sardar Patel University (SPU), Anand
14 Dr. Dr Mahesh Ram Male Faculty Ph.D St Edmund's College, Shillong
15 Ms. Soibam Aruna Chanu Female Ph.D Student Ph.D Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
16 Mr. C Zothansanga Male Ph.D Student M.Sc MIZORAM CENTRAL UNIVERSITY